This blog site focuses on cards and projects utilizing materials and tools from various scrapbooking and paper craft companies.
If you are interested in cards and projects made with rubber stamps from various companies, please check out my other blog site "Stampin' Inspirations".

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Monday, January 28, 2008

I've Been Tagged!!

Hi Everybody! I've been tagged by Malieta at "Life's Simple Pleasures". This one is fun!

Five things I was doing 10 years ago:

1. Working at a Women/Children's hospital as an RN
2. Enjoying the sunny weather in Hawaii
3. Not on a diet and probably stuffing my face with yummy food
4. Going to the beach or hiking
5. Wearing a size 2 dress

Five things on my to do list today:

1. Update my address log on Outlook
2. Mail out RAKs
3. Get my s*** together
4. Drink 8 glasses of water
5. Clean out my messed up email

Five things I will do when I'm a millionaire:

1. Buy every product on the CTMH and SU catalog
2. Put away money for my kid's college fund
3. Move to San Francisco
4. Take a vacation in Hawaii and visit my family and friends
5. Revamp my craft studio

Five things I'll never wear again:

1. Shoulder pads
2. Dove shorts (remember those?)
3. Members Only Jacket
4. Jordace Jeans
5. Skinny Jeans

Five of my favorite toys:

1. Any craft tool
2. Digital video recorder
3. Digital camera
4. Computer
5. Swivel Sweeper

Five banes of my existence:

1. Catty People
2. Messiness
3. Chronic Complainers
4. Negative People
5. Deadlines

Consider all those who read my blog tagged. Copy the questions and post it on your blog site!!


Tracy said...

Ok, I'll take that tag...'cause I am quite sure I accidentally *forgot* about a previous tag. Uh-oh...hope the gal didn't think I was just being rude!

Love this's quite fun. Also, enjoyed reading about ya! Fun stuff chickie!

SBS2 Siesta

Anonymous said...

Wow! This is a nice blog that is related to
Swivel Sweeper
that cordless Swivel Sweeper also offers many other features such as rotating brushes and a 360 degree cleaning head. Weighting in at just 2lbs, it is also one of the lightest sweepers on the market.